Победители премии JOBS Drama Awards 2023!JTBC Best Female Lead:Cha Jung Sook from Doctor Cha (сыграла певица и актриса Uhm Jung-hwa)JTBC Image of a Guilty Human Being:Ryu Shi Oh from Strong Girl Nam Soon (сыграл актёр Byeon Woo-seok)JTBC Best Karaoke:Three Musketeers – Sa-rang, Pyung-hwa, Da-eul – from King the Land (сыграли Im Yoona из Girls' Generation, Go Wonhee и Kim Gaeun)JTBC Bittersweet Sorrow:Kim Seon-woo from Behind Your Touch (сыграл Suho из EXO)JTBC Best Combination Award or Best Squad Award:King The Land‘s Six SiblingsJTBC Best Couple Award:Guwon and Cheon Sarang from King The Land (Lee Junho из 2PM и Im Yoona из Girls' Generation)JTBC Highest Viewership Award:Doctor Cha с 18.5% views➖➖➖
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